
-A lot of ice dams form as a result of a hot attic.  A hot attic means a hot roof, and a hot roof means ideal conditions for ice dams to form.  
-Most ice dams happen simply by the perfect weather conditions, slightly above freezing and below freezing at night, this point it wont matter how warm your roof is. Snow melting and freezing again, ice will slowly build up along your overhangs or in valleys.

 If left untreated …
 • Water damage 
 • Mold and mildew exposer 
 • Pooling water 
 • Wood rot 
 • Collapsed roof 
 • Fires 
 • Explosion

What causes ice dams?

What damages could my home face?

how         to remove an ice dam!

Here is our          to our prices

Cost of ice dam removal and why



Ice Dam Removal

There is so much that can happen if an ice dam is ignored or removed wrong!

Cost is depending on the urgency of the ice dam! Remember, try and get
the ice dam taken care of before a leak forms (if possible)!
Emergency call will cost more depending on the job. 

There are so many other factors that come into play that we simply won’t see until we are doing the job. We will communicate before job is stared, if
we run into something we weren’t expecting that will make the
price agreement change we will tell you prior. 

(Ice dams are extremely heavy and can cause a roof to collapse)

(roof leaks can cause electrical fires)

Our Minimum charge ($470) Vs our highest charge($800) is based on many factors 

(This is absolute worst case scenario, In 2019 Breckenridge, Colorado a home exploded after ice slid off their roof and ruptured a gas line)

Even if there is no active leak, you still should consider removal. Leaks happen without warning and most of the time at the wrong time, don’t let a simple fix turn into an emergency call and repair.

Do not use an ice pick or chisel to chip away at the ice. This puts your roof and gutter at significant risk of damage, or more importantly, injury to yourself. 
Do not use salt to melt the ice. While salt works great for keeping your sidewalk free of thin layers of ice, thick ice dams will likely not melt quickly, and the salt may stain your shingles and clog your gutters. 
Do not use hot water to melt the ice dams. That water will eventually freeze, and if it runs off your roof, you’re just going to have icicles and frozen pools of water form, which become dangerous for anyone walking by. 

We are using the best of the best of roof steamers. The Arctic Steamer System, that being said this machine cost close to ten thousand dollars and many more to maintain. We have done our research and taken all the necessary classes to make sure your home is getting safest treatment to remove ice dams. The Arctic Steamer System is low impact, absolutely non damaging to your roof and chemical free.  

• Size of home and or ice dam
 • If home has a leak 
 • If we have to remove snow from roof 
 • How many employees we need on the job
 • Weather ( unusually bad weather) 
 • Time of day ( after hour emergency) 
 • Hard to access roof 
 • Roof is hard to navigate ( Steep slope) 
 • Black ice vs white ice, snow is heavy vs wet 
 • Location of water (for the steamer) a working water outlet is needed to use our system it cannot be turned off or frozen

We charge $470-$800 an hour with a two hour minimum. 

Huff Roofing is fully Licensed and bonded and insured.

Lic # 0089040 

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